Expert Advice

Seed Selection Made Easy

As we’re approaching the Fall season, (a.k.a. the most optimal time of year to introduce new growth by overseeding your turf), we want to discuss some elements that will aid you in selecting the right grass seed for your lawn! Whether your yard is bathed in sunlight or nestled in the shade, we’ve got you covered with our top recommendations.

Sun-Soaked Lawns: Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass is the go-to choice for sun-soaked lawns. It thrives in full sun conditions, boasting a lush, dense texture and a vibrant green hue. Its growth consists mainly of leafy material that can be mown easily, leaving a clean cut. This seed type can be used on its own or can be paired with a ryegrass, tall or fine fescue for a year-round quality. It germinates in 20-30 days whereas ryegrass (more known as an establishment grass type germinates in 5-10 days). It is the most common grass type used for home lawns here in Ontario prioritizing aesthetics and durability. It is also the professional choice for sports fields due to its naturally ability to repair itself through its aggressive root system.

**Shade-Tolerant Solutions: Perennial Ryegrass & Fine Fescues **

For those parts of your lawn that reside in the shade, consider Ryegrass & Fine Fescues. This adaptable grass variety thrives in partial shade and has a fine texture that does not rely as much on direct sun exposure to thrive. It’s known for its ability to maintain a rich green color even in shadier conditions.

Introducing Our Custom Seed Mixes

At Turf Systems, we simplify your lawn-care journey with our specialized seed mixes. We recognize that every lawn is unique, which is why we’ve developed two distinct options:

Sun Mix: Perfect for sun-soaked lawns consisting of 80% Ryegrass and 20% Kentucky Blue Grass (by weight) for a lush, vibrant lawn.

Shade Mix: Designed for shaded areas comprising 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 35% Windward Chewings Fescue, and 30% Appalachian Kentucky Blue Grass, ensuring thriving beauty in cozy, shaded corners.

These seed mixes are what we utilize in our overseeding services, and they are also for sale in bags for personal use! FOr more information on cost and coverage, you can reach out to our office.

Decoding the Label

If you prefer to shop for your own seed at garden centres instead of utilizing our custom blends. Selecting the right seed type your your lawns environment is essential to its success during and after germination.When shopping for grass seed, it’s crucial to understand the label. Look for key information such as:

Grass Type: Ensure the seed mix matches your lawn’s sunlight conditions (sunny or shady).

Seed Blend: Some brands offer specific blends for particular needs, general mixes tend to encompass all grass types, shade mixes would be heavier in fescue grass types and sun mixes, heavier in bluegrass. Choose the one that suits your requirements.

Coverage Area: Determine the coverage area the bag of grass seed is designed for, so you purchase the right amount.

For tips and instructions on how best to overseed your lawn, you can visit our website below to explore more. At Turf Systems, we remove the guesswork from lawn care with our specialized seed mixes. If you are unsure on what seed type you require for your lawn, you can always reach out to our customer service team for additional guidance. For inquiries about selecting seeds or booking additional services, contact our office anytime; we’re here to help you achieve a beautiful lawn.