Turfgrass has an unbelievable amount of benefits to our everyday life. Even the smallest plant makes a big contribution to human mental and physical well-being. Turfgrass serves as a filter for rainfall, reduces run-off and recharges groundwater that we all use. It is also a large contributor in reducing global warming as it cools the surface of the earth.
What surprises most people is that a small 1000sft lawn produces enough oxygen for 1.6 people, offsets 231km of driving and does the work of 38 trees. Yes, you read that correctly, turf produces more oxygen than trees, contrary to popular belief that we only need trees for oxygen production. With that being said, turf gives us the air we breathe, absorbs CO2 and breaks down pollutants. We use turf in our everyday lives for leisure, sports and various outdoor activities. Taking care of the turf on our property is the least we can do, for the benefits it provides.
Numerous studies have been conducted on horticultural therapy measuring the mental well-being of people living and working in green areas and have shown that there are less signs of depression and anxiety as well as a long lasting improvement in mental well-being with greater life satisfaction.
Growing cities have seen a significant reduction in turf area for the past several years, but an important fact is overlooked because turf is a big contributor to noise reduction, which is a problem in highly populated cities. Taking care of turf in an urban area is equally as important as it reduces insects, rodents and snakes. Let’s not forget the wildlife that turf provides an environment for that we like to see on our lawns (i.e. bunnies).
Living in Canada, we enjoy the outdoors more than any other culture and can appreciate the beauty of nature. Let’s put in the effort to care for our turf knowing that by doing so, we contribute to the mutual effort of keeping green spaces alive.
If you would like assistance on how best to turn your lawn on, visit here to get started with an estimate!