Expert Advice

Greener Lawns, Healthier Landscapes, Better Environments

With the recent news of these devastating forest fires being reported from the North West region of Ontario impacting our air quality, we wanted to take the chance this week to highlight our mission statement behind what we do.

Healthy lawns are one of the most efficient producers of clean air as they help filter harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and smog. This means they become extremely important at times where air quality is at its worst. Your lawn along with the rest of your landscape including trees are also super producers of oxygen. Not only does it help clean our air, but it helps to filter our water as well. The underlying thatch layer and roots act as huge filters as any rain water moves through these surfaces before reaching municipal systems or bodies of water where it enters cleaner and clearer. We are on a mission to nurture people, plants, and our communities by creating greener lawns, healthier landscapes, and better environments.

That being said, your lawns health relies heavily on your efforts to ensure it is being provided with the fertilizer, water, and cutting maintenance it needs to perform at its best. Remember those three macros of plant health we mention a lot? Fertilize regularly, water deeply and infrequently, and cut every 5-7 days no shorter than 3 inches. Our lawn care and irrigation programs and services cater towards providing the best quality nutrients, and proper irrigation coverage for a healthy lawn. We can take care of two out of those three important macros so you don’t have to!

We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is doing their part and making sure their lawns are well maintained and looked after. Your contribution to your community and the environment does not go unnoticed and it is greatly appreciated.

Want to find out how much clean air your lawn is producing? Visit our clean air calculator via the tab selection above and read more on why it’s so important to have your lawn turned on.